Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime

Details the rise of Anti-Semitism Under The New Form "Anti-Zionism"; Revival of Nazism Under Reinvented Terms

The Mysterious Anti-Semite Dan Eden…Author Responsible For Spreading Anti-Semitic Rumors On Internet

Posted by mah29001 on June 15, 2015

Who happen to be responsible for the fake list of those whom were supposedly Israeli citizens. Why would Bernie Sanders ever be an Israeli citizen let alone let’s say John Bolton who recently wanted a new Sunni government in the Middle East which would not help Israel at all?

All of these so-called dual loyalists even the ones that were helping out with the war in Iraq, really helped Shiite Islamic supremacists in Iran gain a foot hold.  Now why would Israel would on Earth ever want to let Iran have more power in the Middle East?  Let alone let the Iraq War initiate the stupid “Arab Spring” which brought forth ISIS after US troops withdrew from Iraq too soon?

Ask yourself the logical questions here, what sort of strategies Israel won’t ever support that were implemented in the Iraq War.  These anti-Semites like Dan Eden and others like him spreading these lies are the obvious agenda where people like him lie.  They are the new Nazis, they’re the ones promoting hate toward the Jews with this nonsense.  Why would Israel want to support Shiite Islamic supremacists to oust Saddam Hussein?  Why allow Saddam’s old Baathist cronies to help and start up ISIS?

And why would Israel even allow the Bush administration to have such a poor PR campaign in linking Saddam with al-Qaeda which evidence has now surfaced that they helped spearheaded the creation of ISIS?  Makes no sense why the “no” al-Qaeda lie becomes the proper narrative among those who control political opinions am I right?

But there are others like Dan Eden who’d continue to make lies, such as Justin Raimondo and a few others like him.  They say criticism against their work is a “smear”, but it’s okay for them to smear Jews in a Nazi style manner, along with making up conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory.

One Response to “The Mysterious Anti-Semite Dan Eden…Author Responsible For Spreading Anti-Semitic Rumors On Internet”

  1. Lee Frank said

    I have known Dan Eden (the weasel’s real name is Gary Vey) since college. I was enrolled; he was a hanger on. He literally ate dog food. He has toyed with neo-Nazism since then and is a pedophile. Ask him about him about almost getting killed on his sex tour to Cambodia which included two little kids. If people want to believe the lies of a pedophile, that’s their business. Here it is the accusation in print. Sue me for libel if it’s not true, “Dan Eden.”

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