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Fascism Via Plastic Bag Bans

Posted by mah29001 on December 26, 2013

It seems both West and East coast cities whether it be Los Angeles in the West Coast or cities like Cambridge on the East coast are prepared to initiate plastic bag bans.  Really, the Left is out to hurt businesses, they don’t care about having businesses recover, but they care about only promoting a President who just happens to speak good but doesn’t hold any real merits or principles being Obama or anyone else similar like him eying the 2016 race on either party.

The Left and the Republican establishment have both gone insane into promoting the plastic bag ban.  This plastic bag ban rather sounds like an environmentalist’s version of the Cultural Revolution from Communist China, which btw they did practice this under Mao’s reign since today happens to be the dead tyrant’s birthday.

Gee, how lovely, even the Red Chinese saw this to be quite stupid of a law, those on the Left are really helping to brew more Tea Party sentiment, maybe the plastic bag bans should go into effect in major U.S. cities, then you’ll see a major challenge from the Right against long-time establishment Democrats and Republican city council members.

That’d be fun to see maybe won’t happen in 2014 but it’d happen in the near future.

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