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Evil Empire Round Up: Surprise! Chris Christie Has Joined The Obama/Ron Paul Crowd In Appeasing Radical Islam Edition

Posted by mah29001 on August 6, 2011

Yes indeed, Chris Christie, a possible 2012 contender for President and for the Republican nomination has just joined the Obama/Ron Paul crowd of appeasers.  But unlike Ron Paul, Chris Christie doesn’t apologize for the Taliban, but just appeases them.  Ron Paul, on the other hand goes a step further and states they’re right and we’re wrong.

And yet, there are those who are anti-Semites that claim “Zionist Jews” are controlling these politicians?  Here’s more:

  • Chris Christie is sure to get a lot of support from LoonWatch.com over his recent comments as an “anti-Loon”.  But hey, when was the last time someone bashed someone on the Left for criticizing Pat Robertson?
  • Besides kowtowing to the Taliban, Ron Paul has friends over at Lewrockwell.com who just do not seem to mind to not care about the war criminal activity of the Imperial Japanese, but instead care more to bash Harry Truman for at least ending a war.
  • Looks like the Workers’ World Party and their AFL-CIO allies are prepared to play the race card in Wisconsin.
  • Speaking about the AFL-CIO, they’re also endorsing the same al-Qaeda/Iranian-backed revolts taking place in North Africa and in the Middle East.  Boy, the AFL-CIO are sure in a surprise once their fellow traveler unionists in those countries get an ugly surprise of a theocracy waiting in the wings.
  • Seems like the Burmese government is hoping some Western nepmen companies can move on in and help them build their petroleum reserves with their state-run ventures promoting the project.  Funny how the Workers’ World Party states the USA is a Fascist country, but they do not mind a country like Burma having state-run front companies!
  • What reset?  It seems that Medvedev is itching for war with the USA, and if that was bad enough, military relations with China are improving, even though Russia has it both ways with cooperating with the U.S. military!  Some “friends”.
  • Besides Filipino Communist groups that the Filipino government is engaged in appeasing, they are also appeasing the leader of a Moro Islamist group, but what would you expect from the son of a dead Leftist Senator who had firm ties with the Communist bloc and wanted to be martyred?
  • Looks like al-Jazeera is now sticking up for Chinese Islamic extremists whom have been trained in Pakistan.  Seems like al-Jazeera is now trying to depict those Chinese Islamic radicals to be “like” those Tibetian monks, but when was the last time a Tibetian monk used the Buddha text to encourage violence?

And ending this Evil Empire Round Up, I wonder what would Ron Paul say about the arrest of a top human rights leader in Belarus.  Yea, the same country Ron Paul wrote a speech about trying to prevent protecting that leader’s right, right?

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