Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime

Details the rise of Anti-Semitism Under The New Form "Anti-Zionism"; Revival of Nazism Under Reinvented Terms

Alex Jones Just Wants Your Money: Amazon.com Selling His Items

Posted by mah29001 on August 28, 2009

If the so-called “New World Order” is such a grand threat.  Wouldn’t those behind it first take anything that exposes them down first?  Apparently, Jones is such a crank he doesn’t seem to care.  He uses Amazon.com to sell his propaganda.  It’s not about the Truth, it’s about making money for himself.

Jones’ Terrorstorm: 2nd Edition goes around 18 to 19 bucks with shipping and handling included.  If those “behind” this New World Order were so concern about a rebel like Jones, why does Amazon.com still sell his crap?  It’s just as pathetic as Noam Chomsky or William Blum suggesting the USA’s a “Fascist dictatorship” even when their propaganda material is flying off the shelves everytime some dictatorwannabe or a terrorist promotes their work.

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